Is-04 Collective Agreement

અહીંથી શેર કરો

Are you familiar with the term “is-04 collective agreement”? If not, then you`re not alone. This agreement is one of the many collective bargaining agreements that exist between employers and employees in various industries, particularly in Europe. In this article, we`ll explore what the is-04 collective agreement is, who it affects, and why it`s important.

The is-04 collective agreement is a type of collective bargaining agreement that is specifically designed for the audiovisual industry. It was created by the Joint Technical Committee on Broadcasters` Rights (JTCBR), which is a group made up of representatives from various broadcasters and production companies in Europe. The purpose of the agreement is to establish common technical standards and procedures for the production and distribution of audiovisual content.

The is-04 collective agreement covers a wide variety of topics related to the audiovisual industry, including working conditions, pay rates, health and safety, and training and development. It also includes provisions for the use of technology in the production and distribution of audiovisual content, such as the use of digital transmission systems, satellite technology, and streaming platforms.

The is-04 collective agreement affects a wide range of people involved in the audiovisual industry, including actors, directors, producers, camera operators, sound engineers, and many others. It`s designed to protect the rights and interests of these workers while also ensuring that the industry remains competitive and profitable.

So why is the is-04 collective agreement important? There are several reasons. First, it helps to ensure that workers in the audiovisual industry are treated fairly and are compensated appropriately for their work. This is important for maintaining a stable and sustainable workforce in the industry.

Second, the is-04 collective agreement helps to establish common technical standards and procedures for the production and distribution of audiovisual content. This is important for ensuring that the industry remains competitive and innovative, which benefits everyone involved, from the workers to the broadcasters and production companies.

Finally, the is-04 collective agreement is important because it helps to promote collaboration and cooperation among different stakeholders in the audiovisual industry. By establishing common standards and procedures, the agreement helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives.

In conclusion, the is-04 collective agreement is an important agreement for the audiovisual industry in Europe. It helps to ensure fair treatment and compensation for workers, establishes common technical standards and procedures, and promotes collaboration and cooperation among different stakeholders in the industry. Whether you`re a worker, producer, or broadcaster in the audiovisual industry, the is-04 collective agreement is definitely worth knowing about.

આપણું ખારાપાટ

કેમ છો ? ખારાપાટની ધરુના માયાળુ માનવી ડીજીટલ પ્લેટફોર્મ 'આપણું ખારાપાટ' ટીમના નમસ્કાર ડિજિટલ યુગમાં અમે આપની સમક્ષ લઈને આવ્યા છીએ આપણા વિસ્તારનું પોતિકુ પ્લેટફોર્મ એટલે 'આપણું ખારાપાટ' આપણા મલકમાં બનતા ધાર્મિક, સામાજિક,સંસ્થાકીય, શૈક્ષણિક કે રાજકીય પ્રસંગને જન જન સુધી પહોંચાડશે 'આપણું ખારાપાટ' ખારાપાટની ભૂમિ એટલે માં આદ્યશક્તિનું પ્રાગટ્ય સ્થાન,વીર વચ્છરાજ,રામદેવપીર મહારાજ,કાળવાનાથની ભૂમી જગ વિખ્યાત વંદન આપણા ખારાપાટને.. નાના રણના ઘુડખર,રણ લોકડી,તથા અગરમા પાકતા મીઠાએ આપી ઓળખ અનેરી અને હા વર્ળીન્દ્રધામ સ્વામિનારાયણ સંકુલ બનતા ભળી સોનામા સુગંધ થયો ઓળખમા વધારો પાટડી નગર એટલે જ તો લાગે વ્હાલુ વતન ..આપણા વતનના પ્રસંગને જન જન સુધી પહોંચાડવા અમને કરો માહિતગાર અને વિગત મોકલી આપો નંબર પર આપણો મલક,આપણું ગૌરવ આપણું ખારાપાટ... Contact-:+91 87995 70643